On June 10 Japanese gamers will get their first taste of 3D gaming as Sony plans to release updates for certain PSN titles. Making the list we have: Super Stardust HD, WipeOut HD, and Pain. Both WipeOut and Stardust will receive free updates to enable the use of 3D, whilst Pain on the other hand will require users to shell out 300 yen (about $3 ish) for the privilege.
For those who don’t own any of the above titles, Sony are also going to be releasing a 3D enabled demo of MotorStorm Pacific Rift, which will be available on June 10 but only to purchasers of a shiny new Bravia 3D LCD screen. Individuals who purchase one of Sony’s 3D HDTV’s will receive a code allowing them to not only get a hold of this MotorStorm demo exclusively, but also free downloads to all of the PSN compatible 3D games available from that day.
No announcements were made as to what Sony have planned for Europe or North America, but we think that talk of those territories can’t be far away.
With E3 fast approaching there is no doubt Sony are going to be pushing hard on the 3D front. Even if the format remains an expensive niche for the first few years, it definitely looks like it could be one of the next standards in gaming - especially for the next generation - and it’s with this that Sony looks to stamp their feet firmly into the ground with.
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