
Friday 24 December 2010

Christmas Updates At IQGamer

Well, it’s that time of year again and Christmas is finally upon us, for better or worse. Here at IQGamer however, we won’t intentionally be taking time off (at least except for the big day itself) instead working on our upcoming tech analysis of the PS3 Mass Effect demo – which I might add, the game is looking like an incredibly good port. Sadly, there may be a few delays as my proper job demands that I work more hours over the Christmas and New Year period, so you can expect the ME2 piece in the next couple of days.

In addition, if all goes to plan I’ve also got a cool retro tech analysis of sorts planned for late next week. To give you a clue, it’s one of the first home console 3D racing games, which premiered in arcades in 1993, and was ported over onto two different – but directly linked – formats in 1994. No prizes for guess which game, but it should hopefully make for an interesting read. Should have both screens and video, plus maybe an arcade comparison if I can get that version to work.

So, for now at least from everyone here at IQGamer, we wish you all a Very Happy Christmas! I hope you’ve enjoyed the site over the past year, and that you’ll continue to join us along for the ride throughout 2011.

All the best…

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